urn $pattern; } /** * Prepare a raw block pattern before it gets output in a REST API response. * * @since 6.0.0 * @since 6.3.0 Added `source` property. * * @param array $item Raw pattern as registered, before any changes. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request object. * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error Response object on success, or WP_Error object on failure. */ public function prepare_item_for_response( $item, $request ) { // Resolve pattern blocks so they don't need to be resolved client-side // in the editor, improving performance. $blocks = parse_blocks( $item['content'] ); $blocks = resolve_pattern_blocks( $blocks ); $item['content'] = serialize_blocks( $blocks ); $fields = $this->get_fields_for_response( $request ); $keys = array( 'name' => 'name', 'title' => 'title', 'content' => 'content', 'description' => 'description', 'viewportWidth' => 'viewport_width', 'inserter' => 'inserter', 'categories' => 'categories', 'keywords' => 'keywords', 'blockTypes' => 'block_types', 'postTypes' => 'post_types', 'templateTypes' => 'template_types', 'source' => 'source', ); $data = array(); foreach ( $keys as $item_key => $rest_key ) { if ( isset( $item[ $item_key ] ) && rest_is_field_included( $rest_key, $fields ) ) { $data[ $rest_key ] = $item[ $item_key ]; } } $context = ! empty( $request['context'] ) ? $request['context'] : 'view'; $data = $this->add_additional_fields_to_object( $data, $request ); $data = $this->filter_response_by_context( $data, $context ); return rest_ensure_response( $data ); } /** * Retrieves the block pattern schema, conforming to JSON Schema. * * @since 6.0.0 * @since 6.3.0 Added `source` property. * * @return array Item schema data. */ public function get_item_schema() { if ( $this->schema ) { return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } $schema = array( '$schema' => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', 'title' => 'block-pattern', 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => array( 'name' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern name.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'title' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern title, in human readable format.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'content' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern content.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'description' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern detailed description.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'viewport_width' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern viewport width for inserter preview.' ), 'type' => 'number', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'inserter' => array( 'description' => __( 'Determines whether the pattern is visible in inserter.' ), 'type' => 'boolean', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'categories' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern category slugs.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'keywords' => array( 'description' => __( 'The pattern keywords.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'block_types' => array( 'description' => __( 'Block types that the pattern is intended to be used with.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'post_types' => array( 'description' => __( 'An array of post types that the pattern is restricted to be used with.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'template_types' => array( 'description' => __( 'An array of template types where the pattern fits.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), ), 'source' => array( 'description' => __( 'Where the pattern comes from e.g. core' ), 'type' => 'string', 'readonly' => true, 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit', 'embed' ), 'enum' => array( 'core', 'plugin', 'theme', 'pattern-directory/core', 'pattern-directory/theme', 'pattern-directory/featured', ), ), ), ); $this->schema = $schema; return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } } is->emotionPowerWords() ); $result->emotionalWordsPercentage = count( $result->emotionWords ) / $result->wordCount; $result->commonWords = $this->matchWords( $result->input, $result->explodedHeadline, $this->commonWords() ); $result->commonWordsPercentage = count( $result->commonWords ) / $result->wordCount; $result->uncommonWords = $this->matchWords( $result->input, $result->explodedHeadline, $this->uncommonWords() ); $result->uncommonWordsPercentage = count( $result->uncommonWords ) / $result->wordCount; $result->detectedWordTypes = []; if ( $result->emotionalWordsPercentage < 0.1 ) { $result->detectedWordTypes[] = 'emotion'; } else { $totalScore = $totalScore + 15; } if ( $result->commonWordsPercentage < 0.2 ) { $result->detectedWordTypes[] = 'common'; } else { $totalScore = $totalScore + 11; } if ( $result->uncommonWordsPercentage < 0.1 ) { $result->detectedWordTypes[] = 'uncommon'; } else { $totalScore = $totalScore + 15; } if ( count( $result->powerWords ) < 1 ) { $result->detectedWordTypes[] = 'power'; } else { $totalScore = $totalScore + 19; } if ( $result->emotionalWordsPercentage >= 0.1 && $result->commonWordsPercentage >= 0.2 && $result->uncommonWordsPercentage >= 0.1 && count( $result->powerWords ) >= 1 ) { $totalScore = $totalScore + 3; } $sentiment = new \PHPInsight\Sentiment(); $sentimentClass = $sentiment->categorise( $title ); $result->sentiment = $sentimentClass; $totalScore = $totalScore + ( 'pos' === $result->sentiment ? 10 : ( 'neg' === $result->sentiment ? 10 : 7 ) ); $headlineTypes = []; if ( strpos( $title, 'how to' ) !== false || strpos( $title, 'howto' ) !== false ) { $headlineTypes[] = __( 'How-To', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $totalScore = $totalScore + 7; } $listWords = array_intersect( $explodedHeadline, $this->numericalIndicators() ); if ( preg_match( '~[0-9]+~', $title ) || ! empty( $listWords ) ) { $headlineTypes[] = __( 'List', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $totalScore = $totalScore + 7; } if ( in_array( $explodedHeadline[0], $this->primaryQuestionIndicators(), true ) ) { if ( in_array( $explodedHeadline[1], $this->secondaryQuestionIndicators(), true ) ) { $headlineTypes[] = __( 'Question', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $totalScore = $totalScore + 7; } } if ( empty( $headlineTypes ) ) { $headlineTypes[] = __( 'General', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $totalScore = $totalScore + 5; } $result->headlineTypes = $headlineTypes; $result->score = $totalScore >= 93 ? 93 : $totalScore; return $result; } /** * Tries to find matches for power words, emotional words, etc. in the headline. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @param string $headline The headline. * @param array $explodedHeadline The exploded headline. * @param array $words The words to match. * @return array The matches that were found. */ public function matchWords( $headline, $explodedHeadline, $words ) { $foundMatches = []; foreach ( $words as $word ) { $strippedWord = preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', $word ); // Check if word is a phrase. if ( strpos( $word, ' ' ) !== false ) { if ( strpos( $headline, $strippedWord ) !== false ) { $foundMatches[] = $word; } continue; } // Check if it is a single word. if ( in_array( $strippedWord, $explodedHeadline, true ) ) { $foundMatches[] = $word; } } return $foundMatches; } /** * Returns a list of numerical indicators. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of numerical indicators. */ private function numericalIndicators() { return [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirt', 'fift', 'hundred', 'thousand' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of primary question indicators. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of primary question indicators. */ private function primaryQuestionIndicators() { return [ 'where', 'when', 'how', 'what', 'have', 'has', 'does', 'do', 'can', 'are', 'will' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of secondary question indicators. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of secondary question indicators. */ private function secondaryQuestionIndicators() { return [ 'you', 'they', 'he', 'she', 'your', 'it', 'they', 'my', 'have', 'has', 'does', 'do', 'can', 'are', 'will' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of power words. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of power words. */ private function powerWords() { return [ 'great', 'free', 'focus', 'remarkable', 'confidential', 'sale', 'wanted', 'obsession', 'sizable', 'new', 'absolutely lowest', 'surging', 'wonderful', 'professional', 'interesting', 'revisited', 'delivered', 'guaranteed', 'challenge', 'unique', 'secrets', 'special', 'lifetime', 'bargain', 'scarce', 'tested', 'highest', 'hurry', 'alert famous', 'improved', 'expert', 'daring', 'strong', 'immediately', 'advice', 'pioneering', 'unusual', 'limited', 'the truth about', 'destiny', 'outstanding', 'simplistic', 'compare', 'unsurpassed', 'energy', 'powerful', 'colorful', 'genuine', 'instructive', 'big', 'affordable', 'informative', 'liberal', 'popular', 'ultimate', 'mainstream', 'rare', 'exclusive', 'willpower', 'complete', 'edge', 'valuable', 'attractive', 'last chance', 'superior', 'how to', 'easily', 'exploit', 'unparalleled', 'endorsed', 'approved', 'quality', 'fascinating', 'unlimited', 'competitive', 'gigantic', 'compromise', 'discount', 'full', 'love', 'odd', 'fundamentals', 'mammoth', 'lavishly', 'bottom line', 'under priced', 'innovative', 'reliable', 'zinger', 'suddenly', 'it\'s here', 'terrific', 'simplified', 'perspective', 'just arrived', 'breakthrough', 'tremendous', 'launching', 'sure fire', 'emerging', 'helpful', 'skill', 'soar', 'profitable', 'special offer', 'reduced', 'beautiful', 'sampler', 'technology', 'better', 'crammed', 'noted', 'selected', 'shrewd', 'growth', 'luxury', 'sturdy', 'enormous', 'promising', 'unconditional', 'wealth', 'spotlight', 'astonishing', 'timely', 'successful', 'useful', 'imagination', 'bonanza', 'opportunities', 'survival', 'greatest', 'security', 'last minute', 'largest', 'high tech', 'refundable', 'monumental', 'colossal', 'latest', 'quickly', 'startling', 'now', 'important', 'revolutionary', 'quick', 'unlock', 'urgent', 'miracle', 'easy', 'fortune', 'amazing', 'magic', 'direct', 'authentic', 'exciting', 'proven', 'simple', 'announcing', 'portfolio', 'reward', 'strange', 'huge gift', 'revealing', 'weird', 'value', 'introducing', 'sensational', 'surprise', 'insider', 'practical', 'excellent', 'delighted', 'download' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of common words. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of common words. */ private function commonWords() { return [ 'a', 'for', 'about', 'from', 'after', 'get', 'all', 'has', 'an', 'have', 'and', 'he', 'are', 'her', 'as', 'his', 'at', 'how', 'be', 'I', 'but', 'if', 'by', 'in', 'can', 'is', 'did', 'it', 'do', 'just', 'ever', 'like', 'll', 'these', 'me', 'they', 'most', 'things', 'my', 'this', 'no', 'to', 'not', 'up', 'of', 'was', 'on', 'what', 're', 'when', 'she', 'who', 'sould', 'why', 'so', 'will', 'that', 'with', 'the', 'you', 'their', 'your', 'there' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of uncommon words. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of uncommon words. */ private function uncommonWords() { return [ 'actually', 'happened', 'need', 'thing', 'awesome', 'heart', 'never', 'think', 'baby', 'here', 'new', 'time', 'beautiful', 'its', 'now', 'valentines', 'being', 'know', 'old', 'video', 'best', 'life', 'one', 'want', 'better', 'little', 'out', 'watch', 'boy', 'look', 'people', 'way', 'dog', 'love', 'photos', 'ways', 'down', 'made', 'really', 'world', 'facebook', 'make', 'reasons', 'year', 'first', 'makes', 'right', 'years', 'found', 'man', 'see', 'you’ll', 'girl', 'media', 'seen', 'good', 'mind', 'social', 'guy', 'more', 'something' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } /** * Returns a list of emotional power words. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @return array The list of emotional power words. */ private function emotionPowerWords() { return [ 'destroy', 'extra', 'in a', 'devastating', 'eye-opening', 'gift', 'in the world', 'devoted', 'fail', 'in the', 'faith', 'grateful', 'inexpensive', 'dirty', 'famous', 'disastrous', 'fantastic', 'greed', 'grit', 'insanely', 'disgusting', 'fearless', 'disinformation', 'feast', 'insidious', 'dollar', 'feeble', 'gullible', 'double', 'fire', 'hack', 'fleece', 'had enough', 'invasion', 'drowning', 'floundering', 'happy', 'ironclad', 'dumb', 'flush', 'hate', 'irresistibly', 'hazardous', 'is the', 'fool', 'is what happens when', 'fooled', 'helpless', 'it looks like a', 'embarrass', 'for the first time', 'help are the', 'jackpot', 'forbidden', 'hidden', 'jail', 'empower', 'force-fed', 'high', 'jaw-dropping', 'forgotten', 'jeopardy', 'energize', 'hoax', 'jubilant', 'foul', 'hope', 'killer', 'frantic', 'horrific', 'know it all', 'epic', 'how to make', 'evil', 'freebie', 'frenzy', 'hurricane', 'excited', 'fresh on the mind', 'frightening', 'hypnotic', 'lawsuit', 'frugal', 'illegal', 'fulfill', 'lick', 'explode', 'lies', 'exposed', 'gambling', 'like a normal', 'nightmare', 'results', 'line', 'no good', 'pound', 'loathsome', 'no questions asked', 'revenge', 'lonely', 'looks like a', 'obnoxious', 'preposterous', 'revolting', 'looming', 'priced', 'lost', 'prison', 'lowest', 'of the', 'privacy', 'rich', 'lunatic', 'off-limits', 'private', 'risky', 'lurking', 'offer', 'prize', 'ruthless', 'lust', 'official', 'luxurious', 'on the', 'profit', 'scary', 'lying', 'outlawed', 'protected', 'scream', 'searing', 'overcome', 'provocative', 'make you', 'painful', 'pummel', 'secure', 'pale', 'punish', 'marked down', 'panic', 'quadruple', 'seductively', 'massive', 'pay zero', 'seize', 'meltdown', 'payback', 'might look like a', 'peril', 'mind-blowing', 'shameless', 'minute', 'rave', 'shatter', 'piranha', 'reckoning', 'shellacking', 'mired', 'pitfall', 'reclaim', 'mistakes', 'plague', 'sick and tired', 'money', 'played', 'refugee', 'silly', 'money-grubbing', 'pluck', 'refund', 'moneyback', 'plummet', 'plunge', 'murder', 'pointless', 'sinful', 'myths', 'poor', 'remarkably', 'six-figure', 'never again', 'research', 'surrender', 'to the', 'varify', 'skyrocket', 'toxic', 'vibrant', 'slaughter', 'swindle', 'trap', 'victim', 'sleazy', 'taboo', 'treasure', 'victory', 'smash', 'tailspin', 'vindication', 'smug', 'tank', 'triple', 'viral', 'smuggled', 'tantalizing', 'triumph', 'volatile', 'sniveling', 'targeted', 'truth', 'vulnerable', 'snob', 'tawdry', 'try before you buy', 'tech', 'turn the tables', 'wanton', 'soaring', 'warning', 'teetering', 'unauthorized', 'spectacular', 'temporary fix', 'unbelievably', 'spine', 'tempting', 'uncommonly', 'what happened', 'spirit', 'what happens when', 'terror', 'under', 'what happens', 'staggering', 'underhanded', 'what this', 'that will make you', 'undo","when you see', 'that will make', 'unexpected', 'when you', 'strangle', 'that will', 'whip', 'the best', 'whopping', 'stuck up', 'the ranking of', 'wicked', 'stunning', 'the most', 'will make you', 'stupid', 'the reason why is', 'unscrupulous', 'thing ive ever seen', 'withheld', 'this is the', 'this is what happens', 'unusually', 'wondrous', 'this is what', 'uplifting', 'worry', 'sure', 'this is', 'wounded', 'surge', 'thrilled', 'you need to know', 'thrilling', 'valor', 'you need to', 'you see what', 'surprising', 'tired', 'you see', 'surprisingly', 'to be', 'vaporize' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded, WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.ArrayItemNoNewLine ]; } }