=> array( 'img' => BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'img/options/align-left.png' ), ), 'center' => array( 'img' => BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'img/options/align-center.png' ), ), 'right' => array( 'img' => BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'img/options/align-right.png' ), ), ), 'section_class' => 'style-floated-left bordered affect-block-align-on-change', ), array( 'name' => __( 'Color:', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'color', 'type' => 'color', 'show_on' => array( array( 'style!=style-11', 'style!=style-12', 'style!=style-14', 'style!=style-15', ), ) ), array( 'type' => 'tab', 'name' => __( 'Citation', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'citation_tab', ), array( 'name' => __( 'Author:', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'author_name', 'type' => 'text', ), array( 'name' => __( 'Author Job Title:', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'author_job', 'type' => 'text', ), array( 'name' => __( 'Author Avatar:', 'better-studio' ), 'desc' => __( 'Upload square images to show it before author name.

Recommended Size: The best size is 60x60 images.', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'author_avatar', 'type' => 'media_image', 'media_button' => __( 'Upload Avatar', 'better-studio' ), ), array( 'name' => __( 'Author Link:', 'better-studio' ), 'id' => 'author_link', 'type' => 'text', ), ); } /** * Registers configuration of tinyMCE views * * @return array */ function tinymce_settings() { $styles = array( array( 'type' => 'custom', 'url' => BF_URI . 'assets/css/bs-icons.css', ), array( 'type' => 'custom', 'url' => bf_append_suffix( BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'css/blockquote-pack' ), '.css' ), ), ); if ( is_rtl() ) { $styles[] = array( 'type' => 'custom', 'url' => bf_append_suffix( BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'css/blockquote-pack-rtl' ), '.css' ), ); } return array( 'name' => __( 'Advanced Quote', 'better-studio' ), 'styles' => $styles, ); } /** * Filter custom css codes for shortcode widget! * * @param $fields * * @return array */ function register_custom_css( $fields ) { return $fields; } /** * Handy function used to get inline and exact css codes of each style * * @param string $style * * @return string */ function get_inline_style( $style = 'style-1' ) { $_check = array( 'style-1' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-1', ), 'style-2' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-2', ), 'style-3' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-3', ), 'style-4' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-4', ), 'style-5' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-5', ), 'style-6' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-6', ), 'style-7' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-7', ), 'style-8' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-8', ), 'style-9' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-9', ), 'style-10' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-10', ), 'style-11' => array( 'normalize', 'type-2', 'type-2-style-1', ), 'style-12' => array( 'normalize', 'type-2', 'type-2-style-2', ), 'style-13' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-11', ), 'style-14' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-12', ), 'style-15' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-13', ), 'style-16' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-14', ), 'style-17' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-15', ), 'style-18' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-16', ), 'style-19' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-17', ), 'style-20' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-18', ), 'style-21' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-19', ), 'style-22' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-17', ), 'style-23' => array( 'normalize', 'type-1', 'type-1-style-20', ), ); static $cache; if ( ! isset( $_check[ $style ] ) ) { return ''; } ob_start(); if ( is_rtl() ) { $_rtl_check = array( 'normalize' => '', // 'type-1' => '', 'type-1-style-3' => '', 'type-1-style-6' => '', 'type-1-style-7' => '', 'type-1-style-8' => '', 'type-1-style-10' => '', 'type-1-style-11' => '', 'type-1-style-12' => '', 'type-1-style-13' => '', 'type-1-style-14' => '', 'type-1-style-16' => '', 'type-1-style-17' => '', 'type-1-style-18' => '', 'type-1-style-19' => '', 'type-1-style-20' => '', // 'type-2' => '', 'type-2-style-1' => '', 'type-2-style-2' => '', ); } $rtl_code = ''; foreach ( $_check[ $style ] as $file ) { if ( ! isset( $cache[ $file ] ) ) { $cache[ $file ] = true; } else { continue; } include bf_append_suffix( BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_path( "css/styles/{$file}" ), '.css' ); if ( is_rtl() && isset( $_rtl_check[ $file ] ) ) { ob_start(); include bf_append_suffix( BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_path( "css/styles/{$file}-rtl" ), '.css' ); $rtl_code .= ob_get_clean(); } } echo $rtl_code; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Registers Page Builder Add-on */ function page_builder_settings() { return array( 'name' => __( 'Blockquote Pack', 'better-studio' ), "id" => $this->id, "weight" => 10, "wrapper_height" => 'full', "category" => $this->block_category(), 'icon_url' => BS_Blockquote_Pack_Pro::dir_url( 'img/bs-blockquote-pack.png' ), ); } // page_builder_settings /** * Page builder block/map category. */ public function block_category() { global $pagenow; if ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && GUTENBERG_VERSION ) { // can not use is_gutenberg_page() function if ( in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ) ) && ! isset( $_GET['classic-editor'] ) ) { return 'common'; } } return __( 'Better Studio', 'better-studio' ); } } // Blockquote_Pack_Quote_Shortcode ding_fields = apply_filters( 'better-framework/shortcodes/heading-fields', array(), $this->id ); if ( $heading_fields ) { $fields = array_merge( $fields, $heading_fields ); } } /** * Retrieve design fields from outside (our themes are defining them) */ { $design_fields = apply_filters( 'better-framework/shortcodes/design-fields', array(), $this->id ); if ( $design_fields ) { $fields = array_merge( $fields, $design_fields ); } } bf_array_insert_after( 'bs-show-phone', $fields, 'bs-text-color-scheme', array( 'name' => __( 'Block Text Color Scheme', 'publisher' ), 'id' => 'bs-text-color-scheme', // 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array( '' => __( '-- Default --', 'publisher' ), 'light' => __( 'White Color Texts', 'publisher' ), ), // 'vc_admin_label' => false, ) ); return $fields; } /** * Registers Page Builder Add-on */ function page_builder_settings() { $settings = parent::page_builder_settings(); return array_merge( $settings, array( 'name' => __( 'News Ticker', 'publisher' ), "id" => $this->id, "weight" => 10, "wrapper_height" => 'full', 'icon_url' => PUBLISHER_THEME_URI . 'images/better-newsticker.png', "category" => publisher_white_label_get_option( 'publisher' ), ) ); } /** * Handle displaying of shortcode * * @param array $atts * @param string $content * * @return string */ function display( array $atts, $content = '' ) { ob_start(); publisher_set_prop( 'shortcode-better-newsticker', $atts ); publisher_get_view( 'shortcodes', 'better-newsticker' ); publisher_clear_props(); publisher_clear_query(); return ob_get_clean(); } function tinymce_settings() { return array( 'name' => __( 'News Ticker', 'publisher' ), 'scripts' => array( array( 'type' => 'registered', 'handles' => array( 'theme-libs' ) ), array( 'type' => 'inline', 'data' => 'jQuery(function($){$(\'.better-newsticker\').betterNewsticker({control_nav: true});})', ), ), ); } } Test Psychotechnique 2022 : 6 237 candidats pour le Cafop entre en lice - JusteInfos- Information générale

Test Psychotechnique 2022 : 6 237 candidats pour le Cafop entre en lice

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C’est ce samedi 25 juin 2022 que se tient sur l’ensemble du territoire ivoirien, le test psychotechnique 2022 pour la seconde étape du concours d’entrée dans les Centres d’animation et de formation pédagogiques (CAFOP), session 2022.

Lire aussi: https://www.ivoiresoir.net/cafop-2022-test-psychotechnique-2e-tour-le-25-juin/#:~:text=Les%20candidats%20admis%20au%20concours,2022%20%C3%A0%20partir%20de%2007H30.

Ainsi pour ce test psychotechnique 2022, ce sont officiellement, selon nos sources, 6237 candidats qui sont éligibles. Ils doivent répondre, à cet effet, à 183 question pendant 1h30 mn. Cette année, pour l’innovation, les candidats bénéficient d’un bonus de 30 mn. Car habituellement, le même test psychotechnique ne prévoyait que 1h de temps pour ces derniers.

A l’issue de ce test Psychotechnique 2022, sur les 6237 candidats devant concourir, 5000 seront retenus après la proclamation des résultats dont la date n’est pas encore officielle, comme étant les admis définitifs pour suivre la formation de 3 ans dans les 16 CAFOP répartis sur l’ensemble du territoire ivoirien.

Il faut noter que c’est le samedi 09 avril 2022 que la ministre de l’Education nationale et de l’alphabétisation, Mariatou Koné, a lancé les épreuves écrites de la session 2022 du concours d’entrée dans les CAFOP, depuis la ville de Korhogo, dans le nord ivoirien.  Elle avait à ces côtés, le ministre de la communication Amadou Coulibaly et la ministre Belmonde Dogo de la Solidarité.

Lire aussi: https://justeinfos.net/orientation-en-ligne-les-populations-de-grand-bassam-sensibilisees/

Pour ces épreuves écrites l’on a enregistré 46.409 candidats inscrits dont 24.069 filles et 22 340 garçons qui ont composé dans 98 centres.

Benoît Kadjo

Cafop session 2022Test psychotechnique